Arts Review

For my review, I wrote about an artistic work, in specifically a song, that interested me.

What’s my “Sight”?

            I think I speak for most of us when I say that it is not easy to fall in love with a powerful tune. Some of those tunes contain lyrics that don’t make any sense or maybe you don’t connect to those repeated lyrics. Artists like Sajan Nauriyal has a unique way of sharing his music and steps into the musical scene at a perfect time. To those who don’t have a clue who is he, you’ll find out soon enough. Unlike many pop artists, Sajan Nauiyal is a pop singer who makes his music for God. Even I didn’t know that. Huh, that’s interesting. Never have I ever heard a song for God in a pop, catchy tune. Its even multi-lingual! Yeah, I know, weird right? But most of all, the single “Sight”, featuring Shopé and another artist named Proud Refuge, was made for motivation to those who need it. It can be listened to those who are having a bad day to those of you who just need a good beat to listen to. The cultures shown within this awesome song makes it seem like all of us are in this together no matter what. Listening to those lyrics closely, you’ll see how this song praises God for always remaining steady and leading the way through life. In his single, he sings, “I’m confident your love will be my sight/ Just one look and then you opened up my eyes/ And I’ll stay with you forever all the time”. The way that he and they express their feelings for God in this unique way you guys will be surprised, or amazed, or both. Proud Refuge sings a stanza at the end of the song but in a different language. When his verse is translated, it shows that he still ends the song with that same song and meaningful feeling from the start. A line or two would be “You touched my heart/God please show me.” As I mentioned before, he ends with that same catchy rhythm of the song as a whole. The album that is a must to hear from Sajan Nauriyal is “Always Enough” which was brought to us back in 2017. The song “Yours” is absolutely and album highlight and was destined to be a single. “Guide” is a bit more acoustic, but Nouriyal still manages to keep his message spreading. In this, he sings “Gave your life to take my fault/ so in storm, I will have peace/ so come to the storm, I’ll still believe.” Sajan Nouriyal has taken a new step into pop music that is fresh, and really original.

No one saw it coming how his style and grabbing melodies, would catch our attention. Maybe some of you wouldn’t find this interesting but I just had to make sure that this was out. It may seem weird but it is true that this type of music exists, and there are many of new things to come that we won’t even expect.